Criminal Law

Gedikbaş Hukuk

Rapid economic growth and increasing foreign investments cause an increase in criminal investigations and prosecutions as well as legal disputes.

Legal problems and disputes should be evaluated in the light of current legislation and high judicial decisions and a definite solution should be reached. For this reason, the practice of advocacy is the activity of solving the legal problems of the parties by applying the legislation on all legal fields correctly to the concrete case. Gedikbaş Law Firm operates in all areas of law as well as legal consultancy and mediation services.

Gedikbaş Law Firm; At every stage of the investigation and prosecution phases, provides defense attorney services for the suspects / defendants and plaintiff attorneys for the complainants / participants, as well as following the changes and updates made in the law in the cases before the court of first instance and the supreme court, the preparation of the defense and claim, the presence in the hearings and all the developments related to the case. It ensures meticulous follow-up in terms of notifying the claimant.

In this sense;

Crimes included in the military law, crimes arising from banking law, crimes arising from the press law, crimes in the field of informatics,  crimes arising from the biosecurity law, crimes arising from cheque law, crimes arising from environmental law, crimes arising from maritime labor law, crimes arising from the law of associations, crimes related to the economy, industry and trade, crimes arising from the electronic communication law,crimes arising from the intellectual and artistic works law, crimes arising from the law of financial leasing, factoring and financing companies, crimes against life and bodily inviolability, crimes arising from the civil procedure law, crimes against liberty and honor, crimes arising from execution and bankruptcy law, crimes arising from the zoning law, crimes arising from the anti-smuggling law, crimes arising from the expropriation law, crimes arising from the highway traffic law, crimes arising from coastal law, crimes arising from the law on the protection of personal data, crimes arising from the cooperatives law crimes arising from the law on the protection of cultural and natural assets, crimes arising from the law of ports, crimes against property, crimes arising from declaration of property, anti-bribery and anti-corruption law, crimes arising from the national parks law, crimes arising from the civil service law, crimes arising from forest law, organized crime, crimes against private life and the secret sphere of life, crimes arising from the petroleum law, crimes arising from the law on protection of competition, crimes arising from election law, crimes arising from capital market law, crimes arising from industrial property law, crimes arising from sports law, crimes arising from the commercial enterprise pledge law, crimes arising from the movable pledge law in commercial transactions, crimes arising from the Turkish commercial law, crimes arising from the public health law, crimes arising from the tax procedure law, crimes arising from the Law on Foreigners and International Protection, crimes arising from the building inspection law

Gedikbaş Law Firm provides representation and counseling services regarding crimes against individuals or society, primarily.